I was fortunate to be invited back to WYES’ “Steppin’ Out” show on November 1st. I adore Peggy Laborde and always enjoy seeing her. Andrew Ward came on with me this time – he is always a pro!
Last week was a little arduous for me; I had been doing sunrise photo shoots. Getting up at 5:30AM and heading out into the city. Home by 7:15 and ready to go to work. The mornings were amazing – calm, quiet, a dirty kind of beauty with a different pulse to the city that one usually does not see – but after about ten days of it, it unfortunately left me a bit frazzled.
Anyway, I brought to the show one of the drinks that Old New Orleans Rum is making for my November 14th lecture at the U.S. Mint. Strong hooch! The crew loved it and ONOR gave me an extra bottle to give to them, which they quickly downed!
I said a few too many “uhs” and “ums,” which I am usually pretty good about avoiding, but.. here is the link to the video of the show:
Steppin’ Out, November 1, 2013.
I hope you enjoy it!