In the spring, I did an interview with S.L. Alexander for the Writer’s Forum on WRBH 88.3 FM. Fun interview! Sherry and I were on a panel together at the Tennessee Williams Festival this year and it was great fun catching up with her.
Of course, there was a big sign in the studio announcing that under no circumstances was I to say the “F Word.” So… during the course of this interview all I could think about was the profanity that was dancing in bubbles at the brim of my brain and on the tip of my tongue. But I am happy to say – no expletives. At least on air!
You can hear my INTERVIEW on iTunes. Don’t have a link to the exact interview but you can scroll down until you see my name. Also, there are some excellent interviews with Susan Larson, Errol Laborde, Aimee Bender, Zachary Lazar and others!