Five years ago today, the Big Easy Rollergirls had its first bout. This happened before roller derby was featured in commercials, and on the news, and in everyday vernacular. This came after two years of hard work and a year after the biggest national disaster to ever hit the United States. This happened because of the hard work of a few individuals.
From the founders:
Kate Parker (Cherry Pi), Laura Mogg (little maSCARa) and Jeannie Detweiler (Galaxy Grrl).
And the original members – the few who were with BERG before the storm and after:
Melissa Hall (Marquee de Squad), Jocelyn Wright (Jaws), Veronica Russell (Vandal O’Riley), Abby Van Deerlin (Sophie Nuke’Em) and me (SmasHer).
Thank you, ladies. I am proud of all of you and everything you did, and I am proud of all the achievements by everyone who followed. And congratulations, for everything you…we…have acheived. I love the Big Easy Rollergirls and am proud to have been a part of it.
Roller Derby Changes Lives.
Here are some things I would like to share – a “favorite moments” blog post from 2006, and three articles I wrote that discuss the history of Big Easy Rollergirls.
Favorite Moments From The First Bout
BERG Season Preview – Antigravity, October 2007
I always knew that every time you made us line up for a league photo we would thank you down the road… thought we might grumble grumble, we are so lucky we had you there, Miss Historian! From the blogs to the articles to the photos, to the special craft memories you made by hand! (Christmas decorations and t-shirts and magnets.) I have them all stored away.