For starters, I guess I will kick off my year in review with graduate school. I finished my Masters in English at Tulane summa cum laude, which meant a great deal to me. The last semester was particularly tough with work and art demands so I am extremely grateful for that distinction. I had been checking my grades frequently, but finally found out I made it sitting on the floor at the Denver Airport early in the morning. My celebration of jumping up and down might have startled those around me cursing the recent flight delay announcement. Who cares; I did it!
On to the next degree!
I am starting my Masters in History next week. It won’t be until next year that I will be allowed to petition to do the Masters thesis option with the hopes of going on to a Ph.D. Not to be too much of an academic masochist, I am only taking one class this semester so I can focus on my art and researching/writing my book. I need a breather. My groovy friends threw a little graduation party for me. It was great because usually my friends with kids are the ones who are not able to make it to my parties, but this time they dominated the “scene.” In fact, when Bea stepped into the house her exact words were, “Oh my god! What are all these kids doing here?” They were so fun to be around and really added to the event, and with the exception of Dylan, all took a turn on my piano. Prodigies. All of them!
Trixie baked an ENORMOUS sugar cookie and John decorated it with some of my favorite snacks (jelly bellies, Swedish Fish, jujyfruits). John spelled out “Congratulations Sally, Master of Art,” and despite his sweet intentions, his spacing and choice of candy gave it a slightly different interpretation – people kept congratulating me on being a Master Fart. There is nothing like being called a Supreme Flatulence on a giant cookie to help you put it all into perspective.
Another degree down, one more to go.
Congratulations Sally!
Indeed, congratulations!