Work was GREAT last year. I continue to love my job and the people I work with. Every day is different and new and exciting. I also moved into a new semi-private office this year, although I miss my friends from my old office. I now have a huge window to look out of, I can decorate it to my heart’s content, and I have my own photography studio in the back so I can shoot formal portrait shots. My job has also allowed me the opportunity to meet some amazing people and do some amazing things. Here are the highlights and the name-dropping portion of the Year in Review…
Most Touching: Cure for Cancer. Each year Saint Baldrick’s is one of my favorite shoots. This organization is dedicated to finding cures for children with cancer. Volunteers take donations to shave their heads. I don’t want to be gender biased, but there is something about seeing a young woman with long hair getting her head shaved in order to raise funds for sick children. It chokes me up. It’s a bit of a scramble and a chaotic scene to try and capture the photos, but the energy bounces around the room and touches everyone who witnesses the event. One of the patients, an 8-year old girl I had met before, was there and to see her tearing up over her favorite medical students who were getting their heads shaved specifically in her honor was touching.
This girl also talked to me previously about what it was like to have cancer, and her bright quirky outlook has inspired me to write a story about it, which I hope to turn into a children’s book one day. This is a great VIDEO of the event shot by my co-worker Ryan Rivet.
Most Inspiring: Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints. Yes, how could you not love the Saints? And winning the Super Bowl was such a chest-swelling, crowing moment for New Orleans. With the NFL lockout, Drew arranged for practices at Tulane. I photographed them about three times – on the playing field and in the locker room (where I was the only photographer allowed).
Twice, they held raffles to give people the chance to practice with the Saints. The money raised benefitted the Brees Dream Foundation, which does a lot of charitable things for the city and many philanthropic things outside of the city as well. The thing that struck me about Drew is not only how organized and but he is a real CheerLEADER. When he speaks, people listen – and not out of dread but out of complete respect. Drew continues to be a phenomenal ambassador for this city, and his charity work benefits not only New Orleans citizens, but many individuals who are not lucky enough to call this place home.
You can tell that Drew is not only driven to do well, but to do well for others – and that is something that is always laudable. And… his teammates were very funny and nice, nicknaming me “Miss Behind The Scenes.” I even learned a new chant, “Camera Out, Shirts Off!” Which meant when I pulled out the camera, a lot of the shirts came off. But damn, you earned those muscles – show them!
Most Surprising: Newt Gingrich. Anyone who knows me, knows I am fairly liberal. Old-fashioned in family values, but fairly liberal in politics. I had met Newt and his wife Callista a few years back when he was doing a private, 20-audience-member debate with James Carville (one of my favorites). Callista was friendly, approachable and accommodating. This year, Tulane honored Newt as a distinguished alumni. Every year, Alumni Affairs hosts this lovely event at the Audubon Tea Room.
It’s funny being a photographer; I think people either immediately warm up to you, or are wary of you. On the rare occasion, they treat you as a non-entity. The camera can be a catalyst for strong reactions and you never know which kind you are going to elicit when you start to photograph moments in people’s lives. More often than not, people are kind to me. But without stating prejudice toward a specific class, typically the higher-brow events open you more to the possibility of being treated insubstantially. This was not the case at the Gingrich event though. Newt’s family was there, and I was floored by how incredibly lovely, warm, authentic, and charming they were. I cannot speak highly enough of Newt’s daughters; they were so kind and hospitable, and so gracious (I took some family photos for them after the events). His grandchildren were well-mannered, funny, and just overall the kinda kids you hope your children hang out with. It’s just a reminder that manners, grace, and kindness are always bipartisan.
Most Hysterical: Snoop Dog. Partying with Snoop.
My friend Chessa was my assistant for the night and the only photographers were me and the student staff photographer. We spoke with some of the crew before who gave us both hysterical and shocking insights on what it is like to work with Snoop. We had to wait a long time after the show to actually meet him, but when we did he was really funny and TALL! I rarely get my picture taken with anyone, but when I asked, he jumped down off the couch where he was dancing and put his arm around me and Chess. He asked me where I was from and what I was studying in school, and graciously posed for pictures with the students who helped arrange the event. Class Act. Backstage in Snoop’s dressing room is a place I never thought I would be, but I was sure glad to be there.
Most Consistent: Donna Brazille. Goddess. I love her. I photographed her a few years ago, and she remembered me. Donna is so funny, and sharp, and quick – but her strategic mind is paired with a generous and loving heart, and that is such an admirable combination, and a wonderful gift to have. I actually follow her on twitter – regardless of what she preaches, her main theme always seems to be stressing the importance of communication – on both sides. She is a woman who deserves everyone’s respect.
Most Challenging: Shooting the Golden G-String Awards for Penthouse Magazine. Wow! It was a battle zone of flying glitter, hot wax, and whipped cream. But a very fun experience! See PREVIOUS BLOG. And btw, this was NOT work related.
Most Reassuring: Michael Oher. Yes, I saw the movie Blind Side, and I cried like everyone else, but seeing him in person and watching him interact with his sister Collins was truly moving. The affection and loyalty they had for each other was apparent. She was this petite thing, in designer clothes, immaculate hair, and killer stilettos that could take out the eye of a hummingbird, but you could tell their love for each other was fierce. Michael and Collins spent time talking to business students, asking them questions and answering their questions, and they both seemed genuinely interested in what the students had to say.
It just served as a reminder of the effect we can all have on each other, great or small, and that taking a chance on someone is never a risk. No individual that is ever given love and support is ever a “long shot” but a “sure thing.” Jeez, I fear I am getting a bit Hallmarkish with this blog, but… I call it like I see it.
Most Awesome Ever – Michelle Obama. See PREVIOUS BLOG. According to my mother, I will never do anything to top that. And ironically, like the Penthouse Awards, it was also not work related.
Here is hoping that next year is just as exciting! And hopefully, on the rare occasion I get my picture taken with someone, I won’t look so goofy. It’s got to be something genetic.
You haven’t changed much in all those years ! Your work looks great !