For me, good news often means more work. One day, my good news will be the result of my hard work not the reason for it. But here is some recent good news that I will be updating on frequently.
For the month of April I will be showing my artwork at the Whole Foods gallery uptown. It is also Earth Month and they thought it would be a perfect fit since I use a lot of recycled materials. I have spent the last few weeks trying to figure out how to mount my photos to wood and frame them without glass. It was constant experimentation – which adhesive works with which archival spray, which works with which gloss spray. Which was the smoothest, didn’t run, didn’t destroy the color. How many coats? Well, combination solved. Now I will be able to offer various sizes of my prints. I plan on offering at least 3 sizes (small, medium, large) but I hope to one day have a range of about 5 sizes. Here is the first look at one of the prints (medium 12×12 print which frames to roughly 16×16). My main problem right now is trying to find wood. It’s been slim pickings at the salvage yards, but I plan to have about 20-30 pieces up for the show. More details to come… Please excuse the phone photos of my work.
Also, on the academic front, I will be giving a presentation at the Friends of Cabildo lecture series on Thursday, May 10th at the Cabildo, 701 Chartres Street.
I will be speaking about the research for my book on the late nineteenth-century newspaper, the Mascot. I also secured special guest stars: Andrew Ward, Veronica Russell, and Trixie Minx! I am not going to tell you their part in the lecture, I’m going to be leaving that for a surprise, but it will be awesome. (I am also going to give a lecture in the fall to art/history docents, and they mentioned the possibility of ongoing lecturing as my work continues to expand). My speech at the Cabildo will be forty-minutes to an hour with fifteen minutes of questions.
While I am excited, I am a bit anxious. Trying to figure how to balance everything has always been a challenge. I am going to have to be very diligent, as March is already pretty full with social obligations.
Once again, I am grateful for my friends who are always willing to lend a hand – whether it is dog walking, feeding me, offering opinions and suggestions, or forgiving me when I sometimes flake out or hide.
Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths!
Awesome! Can’t wait to see it as I’m back in April.